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Modern Life Etiquette: Manners and Digital Etiquette for a better life
60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
Whether you’re on online career platforms, in your home office during a video conference, traveling or seated in a 4-star restaurant - there are potential stumbling blocks in our modern life. Do you have questions on modern manners and digital etiquette? Would you like to appear confident and successful? Gabriela Meyer, author of the guide "Modern Life Etiquette", will help you navigate your professional and private life gracefully, and present yourself in a friendly and successful manner. The session is available online and face-to-face.
More Details
- Video call through Zoom
- Virtual live advice and training with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, trainer and author of “Modern Life Etiquette”
- You can book sessions from 60 minutes or more, as needed
- Together we will discuss and answer your questions on modern manners and digital etiquette
- Q&A: an invaluable chance to pick the brains of someone who wrote a book about modern manners
- You will receive concrete support and recommendations to your individual questions on modern manners, without judgement
- You will receive valuable practical tips that can be implemented right away