Mastering job interviews and get your dream job

Mastering job interviews and get your dream job

60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
Do you want to successfully prepare yourself for an introductory conversation or are you looking for more confidence for an upcoming job interview? Would you like modern and clean application documents that highlight your personal skills and strengths? Are you in need of professional CV feedback quickly? Do you want to have the right messages ready for your interview, or do you want to match your cover letter to a job advertisement? I will help you with this questions, in a quick and easy manner. You will gain confidence and will be perfectly prepared for the job application process.
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More Details
  • Video call through Zoom  
  • Virtual live advice with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, trainer and author
  • You can book sessions from 60 minutes or more, as needed
  • You will receive help with your questions on interviews (if requested, we will do an intensive run-down of potential interview questions)
  • We will check your application documents and you will receive feedback on the content and design of your documents
  • You will receive feedback on the coherence and readability of your resume and cover letter
  • You will receive answers to your questions surrounding your application
  • You will receive valuable practical tips that can be implemented right away