LinkedIn & XING: Rock your business profiles

LinkedIn & XING: Rock your business profiles

60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
Would you like to successfully position yourself on XING and LinkedIn, but are not sure where to start? Are you looking for quick advice on your profile or need feedback? A professional digital online-identity has become very important. Nowadays, you must be present and look exciting on your career social networking sites. We will talk through and answer your questions. I will help you correctly translate your knowledge, skills and achievements onto XING and LinkedIn. This way, you will expand your network and have more chances in finding jobs – or winning assignments.
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More Details
  • Video call through Zoom  
  • Virtual live advice with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, social media trainer and author 
  • You can book sessions from 60 minutes or more, as needed
  • You will receive answers to your questions about XING and LinkedIn profiles (profile pictures, portfolio, writing and text, contacting and researching, building your network, sharing content)
  • You will receive concrete support for your individual questions and inspiration
  • You will quickly find solutions to professional challenges
  • You will receive valuable practical tips that can be implemented right away