Elevator Pitch - How to convince others in 60 seconds

Elevator Pitch - How to convince others in 60 seconds

60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
"What do you do for a living?" "You are self-employed? What are you doing exactly?" In webinars, business talks or at the bar - in many situations we are asked to give a short self-presentation. Some start talking endlessly. So much that the listener is totally confused. The art is to leave out the non-essentials. You should be able to explain in a nutshell what your business is all about. Are you unsure how you can briefly and concisely describe yourself and your business? Together we develop your personal concrete elevator pitch.
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More Details
  • Video call via zoom 
  • Virtual live advice with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, trainer and author
  • You book 60 minutes or more, depending on your wishes
  • How can I describe myself briefly, concisely and to the point in 60 seconds? What information do I leave out? How does my Elevator Pitch hast to look like, so that it makes others curious to know more about me?
  • You will receive support for your concrete self-presentation
  • We will create your Personal Pitch together
  • You can use your elevator pitch immediately after the consultation

"The purpose of an elevator pitch is to describe a situation so compelling that the person wants to hear more even after the elevator ride is over." - Seth Godin