ChatGPT Consultation: Writing with the help of KI for beginners

ChatGPT Consultation: Writing with the help of KI for beginners

60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
Writing brings immense joy and enriches life. Would you like to explore KI tools like ChatGPT and make your text creation more efficient? Want to learn how to tackle complex writing projects more swiftly and optimize your writing processes in your professional routine? In a personal consultation, you'll learn how to write more quickly and creatively with ChatGPT. You will receive an introduction as well as valuable tips and inspiration to write and edit Social Media posts, emails, press releases or blog articles more effectively and quickly.
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More Details
  • Video call through Zoom  
  • Virtual live advice with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, trainer and author (with a travel blog!)
  • You can book sessions from 60 minutes or more, as needed
  • Introduction to ChatGPT | "How do I find and generate ideas with AI like ChatGPT?" "How do I create strong prompts?" "How do I find my topics?" "How can I meaningfully integrate ChatGPT into my workflow?" "How do I personalize and optimize AI texts with a feel for language?" You get to clarify your individual questions and receive personalized feedback tailored to you.
  • You will learn how to develop your idea for a blog
  • Best practice for creating and running a blog
  • You can immediately start with your blog on the topics you are passionate about