BESTSELLER: Virtual "All You Can Ask” Consultation

BESTSELLER: Virtual "All You Can Ask” Consultation

60 minutes | € 149,00 incl. tax | Languages: EN & GER
Are you looking for professional feedback on your Instagram feed or need quick advice to a career question? Have you always wanted to reach out to a mentor, but were unsure on what to pay attention to? Would you like to become a better story-teller? Does your wardrobe cause you troubles? Do you feel stuck in your current job and are you in need of new inspiration? Just ask! We will help you shine light on your questions. You will receive quick and uncomplicated feedback, support and solution ideas.
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For people that seek answers to different questions and different topics. For those who are hoping for professional advice and appreciate out of the box thinking.   

  • Video call through Zoom  
  • Virtual live advice with Gabriela Meyer, owner of Modern Life Seminars, trainer and author
  • You can book sessions from 60 minutes or more, as needed
  • You will receive concrete support for your individual questions and Inspiration
  • You will receive valuable practical tips that can be implemented right away

„When you do well, people notice." – Oprah Winfrey